Sunday 10 January 2010

Peach or pink?

My dear Lady G, constant friend, good editor and writer, and her rock-n-roll, philosopher husband Ernesto invited us up to their house in Primrose Hill on Saturday night, along with our other mutual friends, Matilde and Finbar. Matilde is another writer friend, and is also an accomplished photographer and painter, while her husband Finbar is just really smart.

Ernesto, brilliant master of entertainment, had organized games for the children, which included transforming their kitchen into a casino for the evening, complete with chips, roulette wheel, and bets. There was money won, money lost, and a lot of brownies eaten.

Meanwhile, in the living room Lady G, Matilde and I practiced for our next live performance on the new karaoke machine. We mixed some Bellinis first of course, and belted out the songs of Patsy Cline, Johhny Cash, and the Rolling Stones. We then made some more Bellinis.

We were doing a 'peach puree comparison test' using the Funkin Pro puree from Gerry’s on Old Compton St, and another one from a company called Les vergers Boiron (LvB). The fizz was a really lovely bottle of Prosecco di Conegliano Valdobbiadene Extra Dry, from La Marca.

As you can see from the above photo, the color differed dramatically between the two purees. It only occurred to me later that the bottle of LvB did not list the ingredients, and I wondered whether there might have been some strawberry added? Or perhaps a splash of grenadine?  I much preferred the smoothness of texture of the LvB Bellini (on the left), while Lady G and Matilde preferred the Funkin Pro, which I found a bit slurry.

In any event, we enjoyed them all, and toasted in the New Year once again. And our singing, of course, only got better.

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